What if your finger print gets stolen? Dr Richard Guest quoted on CITYA.M piece

What if your finger print gets stolen? Dr Richard Guest quoted on CITYA.M piece

Amber News

What if your fingerprint gets stolen? Sonya Lovieno from CITYA.M speaks about the rise of biometrics in our society and the potential issues. Check out the article here.

The highlight:

“Dr Richard Guest, a reader in biometric systems engineering at the University of Kent, leads the EU’s AMBER project, which is researching the use of mobile biometrics.

He believes mobile is the future, but warns that it is not just technical problems (like poor lighting and noise in external settings), but also privacy issues that have to be overcome. “Behavioural biometrics, for example, requires long-term monitoring, but how comfortable are we with organisations such as Apple or Google watching us 24/7?” he asks.”

An great article highlighting some of the issues around privacy.