Sharing lessons learnt from other EU funding projects and the case for communication & dissemination in research

Sharing lessons learnt from other EU funding projects and the case for communication & dissemination in research

This week’s news item is on a fellow EU funded project called CommBeBiz, it has now finished but it’s legacy messages give important points on research communication, building researcher’s careers and bridging the gap with industry.

The article posted on LinkedIn available here summarises how researchers working across their multi-disciplinary field must be prepared and willing to speak up about their work and how it fits into the drive towards essential innovation. The importance of engagement by the research community with society and industry is essential to drive new policies, processes and products in the discussed field. I think that this rings true for all scientific  areas, and especially within an industry like biometrics with a large public application of technology.

The full report produced by the CommBeBiz project gives a great summary of the lessons learnt from the project; access it here:

I leave you with this summary, full credit to the article written by the CommBeBiz project:


‘Be noticed, be heard’

‘Demand complementary skills training of your Institute and/or your project’

‘Apply your analytical skills & scientific approach to communications planning to deliver exploitation and innovation’

Academia & Research Institutes

‘Integrate transferable skills into the curriculum for all science disciplines’

‘Recognise and reward communications and outreach actions of scientists by adopting a multi-metric approach for research evaluation’

Funders – national, regional and specialist

‘Enhance your understanding of communications and dissemination strategies’

‘Embed communications planning into your calls; acknowledge relevance and reward this activity through a multi-metric approach to research evaluation’

‘Provide appropriate support and training for applicants and successful projects’

EU & EC – the shapers and providers of core funding

Create and deliver clarity and consistency in ‘sustainability’ terminology’Develop and deliver a strategic plan for upskilling researchers in funded projects in complementary skills’‘Design and deliver a central strategic plan for Bioeconomy communications’